No silence in life. Occidental, Oriental Katerine gets... sentimental Bandits of all colors fly Escaping from this silent eye And you knew the people You looked at the steeple You'd seen through the people That stole your blue sky. Jewish people, Aryans Gather with us, Indians Trying to weave through the womb, of the sly Trying to hide in the loom of the spy The gloom of the shy You reach out and try You break down and breakdown, Blow my mind with your cry. Piles of almonds Softly whispered Amens Ministers who breakdown and break down and cry Black colored candy Dishonest sighs The spies you knew as best friends take off their disguise Sweet poisoned honey, flying past your eyes Creeping past you, stealing fast as they tell you their lies Killing you so softly with ther nightmare sighs Cherries dance right past your eyes As they reveal a new surprise Sullen, half-naked, they show you your demise An evil surprise sssh... keep the victim quiet, keep yourself silent just make sure you keep lookin' in their eyes release your screams, release your screams, release your screams' surprise. You wake their mommies and their daddies they'll save your lives they'll save your lives... they'll save the child you wanna have, just scream into their empty eyes your silent death shall kill the child you'll never have silence is your death without that scream of life. Perseverance, kind endurance, scream for your life. Sacrifice a little silence, mark your strife. Katrina will you please just: scream for your life? release a scream so beautiful echoing their sinful attempt for your life. Now you may go on, go on and be a wife and raise new life with yr boyfriend, be a wife.. The reaper won't take you with his scythe Just let out a scream, let out a scream Now escape with your life. Katrina Kidwell Johnson Buddha 10/19/1998