The Fantastic World of Francisco de Goya ---------------------------------------- an old naked man named Saturn fiercely grips the lifeless body of his decapitated son and voraciously gnaws on the remaining flesh of the right arm making sure not to stain his wild white hair with the tainted blood in the room below three levitating spirits in pointy hats and baggy pants lift the body of an unknown soul while Jose, directly beneath the airborne spectacle, play mind games with a sheet over his head and the innkeeper writhes on the dusty floor, battling insanity and the wise donkey watches with a mused mien in a nearby alley of shadows an old lady gasps and staggers backward when her crucifix fails to ward off the approaching lascivious demon; the bags under the old lady's eyes twitch with trepidation and her grip on the walking stick tightens as the young dark-haired woman reaches to untie the protective bonnet suddenly El Coloso--his buttocks covered only by a low layer of clouds--ends the chaos with one crushing, capricious step only the bovines survive; they instinctively flee to safety