Shit, my friends, it's been a long time. Sorry. A lot has happened in the past month. A lot indeed. I don't know where to begin, so I'm afraid this entry will be nonlinear. Sorry again. But hell, what's a journal for, anyway? Perhaps I'll start with most recent. Then go backward.
I went to San Fransisco yesterday, celebrated Genie's birthday. He's my momma's boyfriend. They danced a lot. I had a hard margarita and went to the car. Some dude on a band's crew knocked on the window and asked if I was hungry, offering nachos. I ended up bumming cigarettes and shooting the proverbial shit but I couldn't get my new friend off my mind so I eventually said I better sleep off my liquor or something to that affect. "Nite, take care." So on the train back from Seattle, I met a delightful woman named Barbara who has a son and a daughter and I sold her a manicure while speaking in run-on sentences and drinking Corona and Wild Turkey (!). Later that evening she introduced me to someone whose permission I will first ask for before I refer to Him by name. So I'll just call him gentleman. **beware of mush** We were downstairs in the snack bar of the sightseers' lounge and Barbara had trapped Gentleman in the booth kittycorner to me, taught us how to play rummy. She took off for some reason a little while later (we were in Oregon at the time) and the train was passing through snowbathed evergreens. I stole her seat next to the curly haired young man and smiled a hopeful smile. Barb gave him a minibottle of Wild Turkey and I got out mine and she taught him how to drink it. We were very warm. Barb started to get a bit rowdy and lookin for people to party with, so she decided to go on a trek up and down the train. And the bashful kids were alone at last. :-) By now we had introduced ourselves and held each other's warm hands and talked of our favorite bands (he has seen Ozma! Daniel Brummel, lead, has a poetry site right here on noun.org!) And we both love At the Drive-In's IN/CASINO/out, I was already so fond of this gentleman. I must step away from the puter a minute but I'll continue.
posted by
Kate Johnson at 4/20/2002 10:31:05 AM