Crazy Night - Jeremy's log and comments
Re: Winter Soulstice - Marc's log and comments
the few random words Katrina managed to write down
Prayer of Winter Solstice

December 20, 1998
last-minute news

Katrina has written a prayer for us to read should we want some writings to concentrate on before/into/during the trip. It should be linked at the bottom of Refrain from eating meat in your breakfast. Use your judgement. Just eat a good, healthy meal. Drink a lot of oj or gfj during the course of the day before you begin final preparations for dosing.

Final preparation procedures:
Late afternoon, approximately an hour before sunset, go for a walk around your neighborhood. Or a drive. Write down anything that comes important to you. Return home with approximately fifteen minutes til sunset.
Prepare yourself a glass of oj or grapefruit juice, get your capsules handy, a notepad and pen, any papers, prayers, poems you want to read as you watch the sunset. Walk out to your porch or patio or wherever you wish to observe the sunset from. Be seated comfortably and read your articles, write anything you feel, observe the weather, sing, pray, imagine, daydream, sip your juice, whatever. When the sun begins to dip below the horizon, prepare to dose. When the sun has finally vanished, in that moment, dose. Don't hesitate, don't be nervous, just dose carefully and with your mind set on the beginning of your journey. Swallow your capsules with your juice, finish your juice if need be. Watch the sunset until you feel you should return inside, or begin to see stars, or feel to cold. Let your four i's (intuition, impulse, inclination, instinct) be your guide to *all* of your behaviours for the ceremony of Whitesolstice.
After you have returned inside your final melting place, most likely your bedroom (please have it cleaned thoroughly before you begin fasting). Put this ceremony's album of choice on your CD player, (Radiohead's OK Computer) and lay down and allow the juice mix with your belly juices and go at the absorption of the Dextromethorphan. Use your imagination. Day dream, enjoy the music, the tunes, write down anything you wish. Keep it in a treasured or valuable notebook, or paper that you intend to later put in a binder or so on. Take great care, for this is something we want to be experienced as beautiful as well as remembered such, thru and thru. By the time the disc is finished, Dex should be rolling into you at full speed. Turn off your CD player. Turn off all your lights, but leave one lamp/bulb/light/whatever on to light your notebook. A booklamp would be excellent, or a gooseneck lamp you could have aimed in one spot. Try to remain calm and in one place for the duration of the trip. Allow your mind to travel wherever in the silence. Keep precious momentos near your side, going over them on your way to the peak is a good idea. Things you consider assets to your own life story, things you treasure. And if you have a tape recorder as well as pens and paper, you may wish to keep that as well. Record as much as you are capable of. When you feel as though you have crossed the threshold of the fourth plateau (or the highest plateau you feel you've reached in your sense of ascension), put your momentos down where they are safe. Lay back and relax. Keep your pen, paper, and if you have one, keep your recorder at hand. And leap into the unknown.
-Make sure any heavy electrical appliances in your room are turned off. This means televisions, stereos, refrigerators, washing machines, jacuzzis, mechanical horses, coffeemakers, walkmans.. any sort of machine, in fact, try to have them all turned off. No computer is to be used from the time we part from our last chat before ceremony until you have levelled off into at least a second plateau. Estimated time of return to the computer: Sunset Dec22 (Solstice day-end).
-Phone calls are permitted at any time during the trip.
-Follow your intuition, impulse, inclination, instinct. And if you have any crystals or objects of personal value/power, special jewlery, or such, wear them or keep them on/near you. If you feel any mental communication during sunset and dosing, follow instinct.
-Try not to expect anything, keep your mind clear. I have written a prayer for us to read as we watch the sunset and dose. I expect to later make it into a song. If it leads your imagination into daydream, that is fine. If random elements lead you into the depths of your imagination, that is fine. But try to keep your clarity and focus on the ceremony (ceremony- for lack of a better word).
-Write all that you can, please, please. Expect to share it with one or all of us at some point. What we write, I anticipate to be very revealing on mysteries I've long philosophized about. It should be a very, very enlightening experience.
-Worries about safety: Trust yourself. If you begin to feel any pain or discomfort, relieve yourself using (warm beverages like tea or hot chocolate, whatever, snacking is ok but not something you'll likely be thinking about). If you gotta piss then do it. Same with other stuff. I often wash my face while dexing. I find it therapeutic. Again, go with instinct. It is hard to expect what we will find to be the events going on Whitenight.
-Try to stay away from other humans. If you must interact, keep it brief and courteous, and try not to be suspicious. If anyone calls on the telephone from the 21st to the 22nd other than the other three of us, do not speak with them because you are quite busy with personal matters.

Any questions then ICQ me (#2609802) or memo me via WTnet's MemoServ. My nickname is Nurse. I intend to be online from the time I wake (from 8 or earlier to 11 AM) until I leave for the walk beginning the ceremony. I expect to leave last, since sunset comes about an hour earlier for Nathan, Jeremy, and Marc. I will leave probably at 4 PM AST, but we will see.

     Katrina Kidwell Johnson Buddha
     Operations, Astral Projection Project (Whitenight Winter Solstice 1998)
     Noun Organization
     (520) 7089573
     1705 Northside Drive
     Prescott, Arizona 86301

Original Itinerary
get up some hour of morning/afternoon Dec21. eat a sufficient meal. don't eat too much.

fasting begins. ingest plenty of fluids. bathe. wash face, brush teeth. dress in comfortable clothes (with clothing to be worn over available) basically just be clean.
bottom line: (sleep in, be rested) get up and eat a good meal, something that will help you be energetic. begin fasting. drink plenty of fluids. bathe, do yer hygiene stuff, cleanse as best you can, just be clean.

approx. 4PM stop drinking fluids, mellow outside and watch the afternoon turn to dusk

approx. 5Pm sunset. take 1gram dxm powder in capsules. drink it down with orange juice or grapefruit juice(stronger for the purpose), whatever floats your boat best. Prepare your paper-pen/taperecorder/camera/crayons/various-tools for the trip. record funny thoughts along takeoff, perhaps imagine a mechanical lift taking you up to the special pleateau.. if you wanna go outside this is OK just make sure you are *thoroughly* wrapped up and warm and stay close to home like on the porch.
bottom line: dose@sunset 1gram. while stuff kicks in, prepare set&setting. make sure you're all equipped. after dosing go inside and put on Radiohead: OK Computer. lay down and listen to the album. by the time it is over, you will be blasting off. turn off your stereo and go melt into your bed and take off. :-)

start coasting off into the astral plane. meeting: jeremy, marc, nathan, and katrina in approximately that order. we meet, get ourselves oriented, and set off on our journey through the astral plane. bodily movement this whole time is fine. try to be stable though. try to keep our party together. we'll have a few hours. also: phone calls are ok just use your judgement. no heavy electrical appliances or equipment should be on in your room of travel and that means stereo should be off at this point, no tv's, no dust buster. just be all settled down and blast off.
bottom line: begins meeting in astral plane. marc, jeremy, and nathan should be there prior to katrina's arrival. marc and jeremy will help nathan and katrina become oriented, or we will all orient ourselves depending on the nature of our arrival to the astral plane.

at this point our journey will present itself. i don't think it'd be really possible to plan what our discoveries will be. all i can think about is: just try to stick together, and if you feel like you're gonna forget it all then keep your recorder or paper&pen handy and useful. try to remain in one level of consciousness. if you think getting up won't permit that, then just relax.. but if you're compelled to physically move then please do that. keep in mind the whole idea of meeting the rest of the party, we don't wanna lose any of us. i guess we know the rest?